I also fear that it could reflect negatively on employment opportunities for the school's graduates.
They overstate their case in ways that, I think, only reflect negatively on themselves.
From my perspective, this should not reflect negatively on the use of nuclear power.
The endowment's position about the grant to the research libraries will not reflect negatively on future applications.
The usage of a particular language can reflect positively or negatively on its speaker depending upon the situation.
Yes, but it doesn't reflect at all negatively on the quality of the work in the sale.
If you don't, it will not reflect negatively in your records.
"I take full responsibility for this incident and want to ensure it does not reflect negatively on the officer in any way," he added.
And this will reflect negatively on the whole peace process.
"If they are not happy it will reflect negatively in their products, and that's a disaster."