While the Bloomberg administration has gradually reinstituted residential recycling programs, the contract reflects the administration's bottom-line conclusion: as landfill prices increase and technology improves, recycling is the most cost-effective way to get rid of much of its garbage.
The silence of many prominent Democrats reflects their conclusion that the president is on treacherous political ground and that attacking him would permit the White House to dismiss the criticism as partisan politics-as-usual, a senior Democratic aide said.
The decision of the German prosecutors not to bring criminal charges against Mr. Rudolph reflects only their conclusion that they cannot prove base motive murder.
Mr. Bewkes said the promotions reflected his conclusion that "HBO has a deep bench."
The quiet change seems to reflect the Government's reluctant conclusion that efforts to develop new technology for energy independence, begun in the energy crises of the 1970's, are becoming prohibitively expensive and politically untenable.
Mr. Entrekin declined to make Mr. Armitage's full report available but quoted sections that he said reflected the historian's conclusion that Mr. Mackay had plagiarized the Morison work.
This reflected their conclusion about the great antiquity of developments at Kaminaljuyu and their belief that Kaminaljuyu was primordial for its cultural and social innovations.
The spending, if approved, would nearly double the total amount lawmakers have appropriated for security since 1985, and reflects the Administration's conclusion no overseas mission is safe from terrorism since the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania last month.
As a result, the 1950 General Conference modified the Church Manual to reflect his conclusion.
Mr. Whitwam said that the restructuring announced today reflected Whirlpool's conclusion that high unemployment rates and low levels of consumer confidence pointed to poor market conditions in Europe for a long time to come.