Artistic preoccupation with animated fantasy also reflects Japan's obsession with comics.
His subjects reflected his "obsession" with animals, particularly dinosaurs, fish, African mammals and lemurs.
On the one hand, it's become infused with ideas of affluence, a happy, consuming place, reflecting our obsession with consumption.
The choice reflected his obsession with a recurrent Russian theme: how good men are often killed for their efforts.
The choreographic violence reflects DV8's obsession with the ability of people to be humane one moment and beastly the next.
Some say the problems with criticism lie deeper, reflecting contemporary art's obsession with itself.
He is a blogger, and his blog,, reflects his obsession with the cable news industry.
It reflects society's obsession with thinness and its expectation of a magic bullet for every problem.
Madam President, some of the amendments that we are considering tonight reflect our manic obsession with renewables.
His works reflect his obsession with good technical painting.