The seal of Northampton County, Virginia, was developed to reflect the county's history, its traditional way of life and its ties to the marine environment.
This reflected its historical ties as well as a view about the stability in value of the British pound.
But environmental groups say the omission reflects the administration's close ties with industry.
But Russia's complaints have been muted and reflect its close commercial ties with India.
Undergraduates: 1,201 Acceptance rate: 70 percent Japanese gardens on campus reflect Earlham's ties to Japan, which go back more than 100 years.
The community is named for the Irish St. Brigid, which reflects the community's strong ties to the southeast of Ireland.
Vacancies are now down to 15 percent, and newly encouraged landlords are renovating their store fronts to reflect the community's nautical ties.
The ship is more organic plant matter than timber and sail, heavily encrusted with marine life that reflects its strong ties to the sea.
These Fremont structures reflected these people's ties to their environment.
Her troupe now stands 14 strong, and its offerings often reflect Ms. Pugh's deep ties to the South.