Some reflect geographical regions that existed before annexation, and others originated with specific housing developments.
Productions reflected various regions throughout Canada.
If so, can we ever adjust to labels that reflect not only regions, villages, producers and vineyards but also degrees of grape ripeness that yield wines of ascending sweetness, body, flavor concentration and price?
Ms. Jallepalli is known for her French-accented Indian cooking, but at Tamarind the food is to be traditional, reflecting regions of India.
The ballet works and musical pieces reflect various regions and folk music genres of Mexico.
Moreover, many communities roughly coincide with the pre-provincial historical regions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which in turn reflected to some extent some of the historical medieval kingdoms or administrative regions of the past.
The BBC aims to truly reflect the nations, regions and diverse communities we serve, and to involve all sections of our audience in making shows.
A Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (composed initially of 25 members, five from each of the 5 UN regions, although with the intention that the composition will better reflect biogeographic regions in the future)
Income taxes Nadler has proposed changing the income tax brackets to reflect different regions and their costs of living, which would have lower the tax rate for New Yorkers.
As a condition of the acquisition, Blue Ant stated that it would fund the production of programming that reflects Canada's rural and non-urban regions.