"I regard that as positive, because these indicators reflect investor caution and skepticism about the durability of this rally."
Such an attitude toward Government deception can exist so easily on screen only because it reflects mainstream skepticism in the country.
The sarcasm usually reflects skepticism about the candidates' authenticity, rather than about their policies.
But in part, too, it reflects skepticism that investors are ready for something new.
Moreover, the discount usually reflects widespread skepticism - so that the sector's prices are already depressed, limiting the downside potential.
This time, the expression on Julians face reflected not skepticism, but curiosity.
THE expected harsh questioning reflects new skepticism about the basic credibility of management.
The arguments began raging almost immediately, reflecting all the rumors and skepticism with which Iraqis filter any announcement from their new rulers.
The currency remains weak, reflecting skepticism that Indonesia is serious about swallowing its medicine.
The policy reflects budget restraints and skepticism about Poland's ability to control its inflation problem.