The low volume reflected fundamental wariness among Japanese investors, analysts said.
But the Nassau Board of Assessors approved the tax roll by a narrow 3-to-2 vote, reflecting wariness about the new system.
The concern in part reflects potential litigation and wariness over criticism of the way these organizations handled the issue of transfusions of blood contaminated with the AIDS virus in the early 1980's.
But the objections expressed by many in the three opposition parties reflected increasing wariness among Canadians about their largest combat operation since the Korean War.
Today, Bob Cushing, 36, a Bridgeport power plant worker, reflected similar wariness, saying that he resented Mr. Lieberman's decision in 2000 to run for re-election to the Senate while he also ran for vice president.
The reference to the black community reflects Hispanic wariness at being lost in the larger society's tendency to view minority communities as having the same concerns as blacks.
Mr. Webster was clearly reflecting wariness about sharing any data with the K.G.B. - something that has never been done before.
An assessment written on March 12, 1953, reflected wariness about the apparent succession of Georgi M. Malenkov to the leadership of the Soviet Union and a nostalgia for what had been the status quo.
The pathologist's emotional ra-diation, he noted with approval, reflected wariness, concern, growing excitement, but no fear.
Roussel, reflecting wariness over liability and anti-abortion sentiment, has allowed the drug to be sold only in France, Britain and Sweden, under strict controls.