So I actually do find that a reflective screen is easier on my eyes.
It employed red LCD cartridges, which were projected via backlight onto a reflective screen that covered one of the player's eyes.
But it's - I just like the reflective screen more than reading on anything else.
The silver model has a reflective screen.
When the projector has a fixed lens, the size of the image on the reflective screen is constant.
Portable readers are plastic devices that fold for carrying; when open they project an image from microfiche on to a reflective screen.
On the plus side, the screen is matt rather than a hideously reflective shiny screen.
Placing billions of aluminized, hydrogen-filled balloons in the stratosphere has been suggested to provide a reflective screen.
The actor (or subject) performs in front of the reflective screen with a movie camera pointing straight at him.
Highly reflective flat screens tend to suffer from hot spots, when part of the screen seems much more bright than the rest.