Specifically, the reflex mechanism can maintain normal cerebral blood flow and pressure under stressful situations such as ischemia or subarachnoid hemorrhages.
"They will trigger a reflex mechanism to relax the bladder," says Denson.
There was an almost instinctual reflex mechanism at work.
When you are in pain, movement is generally inhibited by the body's reflex mechanism.
If you get it too high, your reflex mechanisms will go to pot and you won't breathe; your lungs'll dry up after a time.
This has been postulated as failure to develop cortical control over subcortical reflex mechanisms (Lovibond and Coote 1971).
However, if the body's normal reflex mechanisms (such as gagging and coughing) are not impaired, this is not life threatening.
The main problems of these patient groups resulted in a loss of the normal postural reflex mechanism and normal movements.
Perhaps more important are the reflex mechanisms, defenses, protective maneuvers, typically employed when dealing with anxiety.
The clack of the reflex mechanism was muffled by the music.