On October 12, the congress succeed in founding a reform minded government composed of innovative officials such as Mihn Yong-hwan and Park Jeong-yang.
A reform minded Democrat, he was the father of New York City mayor Jimmy Walker.
Rodgers, together with independent political activist, Linda Curtis, went on to found ChangeAustin.org, which is continuing efforts to organize a political voice for local Austin businesses and reform minded voters.
A low-profile chief Heather Fong may serve behind the scenes, but she's tough and reform minded Biography of Heather Fong.
In 1911, reform minded socialists were elected on a platform calling for construction of a wastewater treatment plant to protect against water borne pathogens.
Even Ursus's reform minded chief executive, Janusz Sciskalski, said the Government owed the company financial help, if only in forgiving some of its debt.
Abu Amr is considered a reform minded politician and part of the "young guard" of Palestinian leaders.
As a Member of Congress, Representative Rokita is working to bring the same sort of open- reform minded government to Washington D.C.
By the final quarter of the 19th century, the reform process slowed down to the point that younger members of the community accused their reform minded elders of being a "ham-eating orthodoxy".
Although reform minded Americans identified as "Reform" Jews, the name never made it into their major institutions.