A refrigerator case of kosher foods offers fresh meats and chicken for the first time.
Currently, there is no way to know whether juices in a refrigerator case have been pasteurized, if the label does not say so.
And a refrigerator case was overstocked with cheeses, many of them Italian.
A refrigerator case at the back of the dining room holds the usual commercial cakes, nothing to abandon the diet for.
The cold drinks were in the refrigerator case that took up the left wall.
This store's refrigerator cases and air-conditioners all run on 134a.
"We want more choices," he said, so the refrigerator cases get longer and longer.
The woman looked confused and glanced around, as if the refrigerator case were hard to find.
These breads spoil rapidly and are usually found in the refrigerator cases of health food stores.
In the refrigerator case, however, Met Life may have avoided all three.