Now the deer population has fallen to no more than 300, according to Deborah Holle, the refuge manager.
That outlook prevails today among local fishermen who resent restrictions placed on them by refuge managers.
The individual would be working with the refuge manager, wildlife biologists, maintenance and other personnel, and the general public.
"The piping plover has become a national issue," said Ray Whittemore, the refuge manager.
The refuge has 12 contaminated sites, most of which have high levels of lead, said the refuge manager, Norrel Wallace.
Special management area training for administrators and refuge managers currently includes multi-agency sponsored and university correspondence courses.
Tracey Casselman, the refuge manager, said he expected the refuge to reopen soon., saying "We don't feel that there is a danger to human beings."
Thomas Horn assigned as first refuge manager.
But some refuge managers who asked for restrictions think there may also be another reason.
Special interests and their political agents called the shots; refuge managers and officials in Washington either buckled under or suffered the consequences.