The refugees, expelled from the occupied territories last week, struggled to dry their clothes and bedding after a night in the snow.
Also, the new state became temporary or permanent home for lots of refugees expelled from former German territories seized by the Soviet Union and Poland after the war.
Some of the buccaneers may have been refugees expelled by the Spanish in 1641-42 from settlements on islands off the coasts of Nicaragua and Honduras.
A great inflow of people - refugees expelled from lost German territory - followed the Second World War.
Many of the thousands of refugees expelled by the Serbs from Srebrenica said the Serbs had killed civilians and raped women and girls.
As the evening news showed refugees being expelled from Hong Kong, three young Angolans in the canteen exchanged uneasy glances.
The towns had Muslim majorities before the war, and had become overwhelmingly Muslim with the influx of refugees expelled from their homes by Serbian forces elsewhere.
Sde Uziyahu was founded in 1950 by Jewish refugees expelled from Libya from Libya.
Lübeck's population grew considerably from about 150,000 in 1939 to more than 220,000 after the war, owing to an influx of refugees expelled from the former Eastern provinces of Germany.
The refugees expelled from Pakistan, he said, are coming from the Northwest Province.