More refugees flowed into embassies tonight and 2,500 could be packed into the West German Embassy, the Greek Ambassador in Tirana said by telephone.
Large numbers of Croats have been walking with bundles of possessions toward Vitez, and Muslim refugees have been flowing in the opposite direction toward Zenica.
The latest battle lines and refugee flows in Libya In Nalut, four rebels were killed during attempts to repel government forces, according to a rebel named as Ayman.
Over the years, some 200,000 refugees - 160,000 of them from Angola - have flowed into Zambia.
Nigerian officials have justified their huge military investment in Liberia on the ground that the civil war has ceased to be solely an internal conflict because nearly half a million Liberian refugees have flowed into neighboring countries.
It adopted its current name after the annexation, refugees flowed into the village and the Turkish population was displaced eastward.
During spikes in the conflict, refugee flows across the border can number in the thousands and there is also a risk of incursions by armed combatants.
They flowed around it, flowed past it-and kept the men in it from getting to where they could do anything about stopping the Confederate advance that had set the refugees in motion in the first place.
In Montenegro, at least 28,000 refugees have flowed in from Pec, the Kosovo border city, which remains under siege and burning, according to the State Department.
Mr. Bush also announced today the release of $25 million in emergency food and medical aid for the refugees flowing out of Afghanistan and into Pakistan.