Chinese dominated the group until the Vietnam War generated a large refugee migration into South Minneapolis in the 1970s.
Although the Hong Kong Government declared them "illegal immigrants", this arrival marked the start of a wave of refugee migrations to Hong Kong.
In Kosovo, NATO itself did not anticipate the Serbian attacks or refugee migration, officials say.
Since then I've covered another five conflicts, a genocide, a famine and huge refugee migrations.
To this protean cartographic hologram one must add other factors, such as growing populations, refugee migrations, soil and water scarcities and- particularly in the case of Africa-vectors of disease.
He further argued that precedent does not require reversal even of one-directional refugee migrations, such as the expulsion of 900,000 Germans from Czechoslovakia following World War II.
Since the early 1970s, immigration to Sweden has been mostly due to refugee migration and family reunification from countries in the Middle East and Latin America.
Manning distinguishes three major types of migration: labor migration, refugee migrations, and urbanization.
Immigrant and refugee migration is often analyzed as a process consisting of three phases: 1) the pre-migration or departure phase, 2) the transit phase, and 3) the resettlement phase.