Other measures included training the police to deal with crowd control, refugee returns, organised crime, corruption, terrorism and smuggling.
A peace accord on Bougainville confirmed in 1998 has removed the armed threat, but refugee return has been slow.
The new government also started several large building projects, including state-sponsored housing, more rebuilding efforts to enable refugee return, and the building of the A1 highway.
Thereafter the chance of a refugee return became more remote.
She is no more prepared than he is to implement Dayton's promissory, with full integration and refugee returns.
A Transfer Committee and a policy of faits accomplis were set up to prevent a refugee return.
The first step is refugee return and basic human rights for Serbs and other minorities.
The second point which we must be clear about - as Doris Pack has already mentioned - is refugee return.
Above all, we expect progress in implementing the specific measures agreed a year ago as part of the 'Road Map', which include refugee return.
Work on ensuring the sustainability of refugee return must continue.