This results in the driver needing to temporarily reduce power until the car regains traction.
Instead, as we just discussed, gently steer into the direction of the skid and apply the gas once you've regained traction.
When any or all of the wheels regain traction, there may be a sudden jerk in whatever direction that wheel is pointed.
If the car is not in a turn, easing off the accelerator may slow it enough to regain traction.
This creates a recovery gap during which the rear tire regains traction.
McDonald's remains the world's largest food retailer, with 30,000 locations around the world, and it has regained traction in the last year.
Reduce brake pedal pressure for the locked up wheels to regain traction and start rotating again.
Mr. Blair's mission this week is to regain traction.
When the rear regains traction, the clutch reverts to its liquid state.
In this case the brakes would be used to slow the wheel so that it regains traction.