Most of the time, she projected a regal presence that could be terribly mannered.
But its regal presence also seem to hearten all the objects in "Roadside Attractions" that have been thought extinct.
These photographs are especially compelling when the subject is isolated and centered, suggesting a regal presence.
The cypress tree is a symbol both of the beloved and of a regal presence.
Jackson is a commanding and regal presence.
She filled the stage with a regal presence and a body through which rhythm flowed in marvelously unexpected accents.
These stately border flowers with their regal presence are a sure cause for admiring pauses.
Mr. Sharif, whatever his accent, remains a regal presence, which he had to tamp down for this film.
She was a regal presence, daunting, awful in her majesty.
She has a regal presence, an engaging manner and a gentle sense of humor.