Proponents regard abortion on demand as a highly effective form of birth control and point to its success in Japan, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere.
Generally speaking, the pro-life position regards abortion as a form of infanticide, and thus seeks legal restrictions on abortions.
Muslims regard abortion as wrong, but they also hold that life does not begin until the fertilized egg attaches to the womb's wall, Dr. Hathout said.
To the Editor: Regarding "partial birth" abortion (front page, Oct. 22), two factors come into play.
The Catholic Church regards abortion as a 'moral evil'.
The letter was not a political statement, he said, because he regards abortion a moral issue, and "we'd say the same to any party."
Exit polls show that only 3 percent of New Jersey's voters regarded abortion as the deciding issue in the Whitman-McGreevey race.
You have said that you regard abortion as murder, yet you would make exceptions in the case of rape and incest.
Like other women, I do not regard abortion as a normal method of contraception.
On the other side are those who call themselves 'pro-choice' or 'supporters of abortion rights', and who regard intentional abortion as acceptable in some circumstances.