He is one of the most significant figures of American narratology (theory of narrative), being regarded as a prominent representative of its Structuralist or "classic" branch.
The Speaker is traditionally regarded as a nonpartison representative of all the members of the House of Commons.
Maximilian von Welsch is regarded as a prominent representative of baroque fortress building in Germany.
The local leftist trade unions were hostile to colonial capital, of which they regarded Internatio as a typical representative.
He may be regarded as a representative of the so-called Second Viennese School.
Karel Kuklík (born 1937) - Czech photographer regarded as a representative of Informel in photography.
He is generally regarded as a representative of American legal realism and is famous for his statement that the principle of stare decisis is no longer applicable.
He is widely regarded as a master flutist and a major representative of the choro genre.
She is regarded as a representative of the common orangism.
Due to his personal background and his co-operation with many Iranian artists within his work, he is regarded as a representative of the Iranians in Germany.