The Comintern's historical existence is divided among periods, regarding changes in the general policy it followed.
She has also run a long-running campaign regarding changes to local hospital provision.
Computer provides information regarding current research developments, trends, best practices, and changes in the profession.
Also, national data are limited regarding recent changes in statin use.
He or she also may ask you to complete a questionnaire regarding changes in your sleep patterns, social activity, mood, weight, appetite, and energy levels.
Laws regarding changes to the legal status of transsexual people are different from country to country.
At the same time, you also must develop an ability to anticipate the market regarding potential changes in salary and benefit demands.
Immigration reform is a term used in political discussion regarding changes to current immigration policy of a country.
This, he hopes, will lead to methods by which forecasts can be made regarding changes in the ozone layer.
There have been proposals regarding extensions and changes to the Overground network.