This had been a contradiction of the conclusion drawn previously by the lady outlaw regarding their relationship.
There are several points regarding your relationship with him which I want you to explain.
Regarding Reeves's relationship with quarterbacks, Brown is not alone.
Many in town, long regarding their relationship with Los Angeles as somewhat like colony to court, nod approvingly at the work.
There are conflicting reports regarding his relationship with his wife.
Monboddo debated with Buffon regarding man's relationship to other primates.
At Mark-Francis's party they have an argument and end up on an uncertain future regarding their relationship.
The diary also contains bitter and conflicted thoughts regarding his relationship with Diaghilev.
A friend might ask you questions regarding your relationship when the marriage topic comes up.
Marbury said the Nets' 17-27 record probably hurt him, as did the publicity regarding his poor relationship with teammates season.