Strict regulations were also imposed on traders and guilds regarding the construction of their market places and participation in the city's events.
In the 1990s, the SGMA began creating research reports on various sports regarding participation, areas of growth, trends and other figures.
After working on Dionysus, Schechner composed three rules regarding participation:
It also apparently agreed to waive a similar rule regarding participation at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.
For questions regarding participation in a clinical study, call the Patient Recruitment and Referral Center, 1-800-411-1222.
Efforts to reach him regarding participation in today's meeting were unsuccessful.
Hence laws regarding public participation often deal with the issue of the right to know, access of information and freedom of information.
Efforts to influence the Senate in confirming judges fall into this second category and thus do not violate the prohibition regarding participation in election campaigns.
However, they would have had to secure fees regarding participation and the artist's expenses.
Project XL had mixed results, with some success stories but an uncertain legal basis regarding enforcement and less active participation than envisioned.