Here are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding direct payments.
The company acknowledged in a conference call with investors two weeks ago that it was under federal scrutiny regarding payments to the military.
On the other hand, regarding payments, we can be pleased that the principle of non-chargeable information has been established.
You should review the summary plan description for the plan rules regarding payment of benefits.
The Commission's proposals regarding direct payments to farmers are an essential element of the overall package.
In the past few years Morton has been in legal trouble regarding non payment of child support.
The transfer process was initially slowed down by disputes between the Navy and the city regarding payment for environmental cleanup of the land.
There may be footnotes in audited financial statements regarding past due payments to lenders, but this is not common practice.
Without registration, careful statistics cannot be kept and there are therefore, of course, opportunities for a series of errors regarding payments.
His constituents raised concerns regarding roads, sanitation, youth unemployment, and payment of pensions.