Criticism in the 1893 Act regarding the poor status and qualifications of teachers of the deaf led - in 1895 - to the formation of the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf.
The provisions for disqualification on mental health grounds and the provisions regarding qualifications to carry a firearm were amended, and the number of aggregate years for retired officers was reduced from fifteen to ten.
Candidates must make public disclosures regarding professions, income, assets and liabilities, educational qualifications, and criminal record; the disclosure is reviewed by the Returning Officer.
Upon formalizing the organization, several principles were outlined regarding qualifications and structure, the most notable legacy of the initial controversy being a strict rule against fees for both presenters and investors for participation.
Researchers of the institute analyze innovative and sustainable logistics and service concepts regarding quality management, productivity measurement, operations research, qualifications and education research and process management.
As a result, there are strict regulations regarding qualifications, job performance, EMS system performance including response time, and the types of vehicles and equipment required.
The Act of 2009 presents no substantive change from previous law regarding the Dzongkhag Tshogdu, Gewog Tshogde, terms of local offices, and qualifications for office.
All information regarding qualifications and the application process are located on the CBCF Website.
It has been done rarely in the past, most often when a dispute arose between traders regarding the talents or qualifications of a particular apprentice.
Regulators and legislators are considering action regarding lending practices, bankruptcy protection, tax policies, affordable housing, credit counseling, education, and the licensing and qualifications of lenders.