Archer's goal was to build an evening law school (and eventually a university) which would provide an education regardless of economic class, race or religion.
It is everyone's friend, and brother to all Scouts, regardless of creed, race or social class.
The study found that violence against women by their male partners occurs in all countries, regardless of economic class and religion.
Heavy and rather voluminous jewelry was very popular, regardless of social class.
Regardless of gender, race, region or socioeconomic class, most children in the country seem to eat the same things for lunch.
The men said the march would help link all black men, regardless of class.
The English version offers only the morning shift for all students, regardless of class and gender.
Violence against women and children takes place in all countries, regardless of class, race or level of education.
Sport must remain an outlet for all people, regardless of class or background.
Only those whose heart is pure can be blessed with true love, regardless of class.