Any cars below, with performance parts installed and tuned regardless of the original level and the degree of modification.
But regardless of the degree of organizational structure, many times it makes for very interesting observations.
"The environment is something we must all protect, regardless of the degree of the threat."
And "in a massive spill situation, regardless of the degree of pre-planning, all hell breaks loose," he said.
Because the punishment fell by lot, all soldiers in the group were eligible for execution, regardless of the individual degree of fault, or rank and distinction.
A model that is not accurate, regardless of the degree of precision with which it was obtained will not be very useful.
Regardless of the degree of formality, a living document needs rules or guidelines for its modification.
Regardless of the degree of dissent in America, positive qualities have not escaped the Vatican's attention.
The common thread is our religion, regardless of the degree and manner in which we choose to observe the Jewish faith.
Regardless of the degree of damage, only nine surviving Baker target ships were eventually decontaminated and sold for scrap.