Regardless of the length of the period, I found that about half the time, the stock market's direction did not change after momentous events.
Recency effects were exhibited regardless of the length of the list, and it was strongest for the words in the last eight serial positions.
Regardless of the length of service, employees earn 13 days of sick leave a year.
Regardless of the length of combat, a torm will immediately attack any corlm within reach.
Heavy Duty vehicles are assessed a minimum toll regardless of the length of their trip.
It is normal to go through a grieving process after a miscarriage, regardless of the length of your pregnancy.
Always pivotal, they decide which team staggers away bruised but victorious, regardless of the length of the series.
The fare is the same regardless of the length of journey but depends on vehicle category.
Regardless of the length of stay, most people send their cars by boat, a process that usually takes two to three weeks.
A fare of $2.45 for the entire route, regardless of the length, was agreed upon.