It is very promising as a forestry tree in Western Great Britain and regenerates easily after coppicing.
However, they can usually easily regenerate after natural disturbances, which are even often needed for persistence of the health of the forests.
The tree regenerates easily after fires.
The laurel forest flora are usually strong and vigorous, so the forest regenerates easily; its decline is due to external forces.
Heather is burnt at about 10 or 12 years old when it will regenerate easily.
When forests are felled, isolated trees are often left standing and the tree regenerates easily.
Rhizophora mucronata regenerates easily from seed but the seedlings are often damaged by crabs.
Unlike some other mangroves, it does not regenerate easily from broken off branches.
Because the nucleus is safely hidden in the holdfast, the cells easily regenerate if the top portions are broken off.
The forest regenerated easily, its decline was due to the tremendous pressure it supported.