As a result, there have been many periods when different regimes claimed to speak for all of China.
Although the regime claims the embargo is starving the Haitian people, such necessities as food and medicine have never stopped entering the country.
To the south, the regime claimed the archipelago of Malta, which had been held by the British since 1800.
Until now, the regime could claim that the radicals prevented it from getting results.
When I am dead, the new regime in Santander can claim possession of all that belongs to me.
Similarly the regime claims it has reformed media laws, allowing for independent, free media.
The regime claimed that this was the first step in allowing greater political participation.
Its purpose was to demonstrate that their church, banned in 1948, had not ceased to exist, as the regime claimed.
Controlled by a despot for more than thirty years now, the Indonesian regime claims to be a democracy but in reality we must doubt this.
He developed the settlement from 1850 through 1859, but in 1860 the Brazilian regime claimed the growing village.