The regime responded to this move by accusing the Church of trying to create its own state and economy, and forbade it from doing this.
However, the Communist regime forbade him from taking up residence there and from being consecrated.
Three-quarters of the Waldorf schools today are located in Europe; schools are now being established in Eastern Europe, where communist regimes forbade Waldorf schools until their overthrow in 1989.
At the same time, the regime has expelled some members of the foreign press, forbidden Iranian journalists from leaving their offices, and arrested major reformist figures, including the former Vice-President Mohammad Ali Abtahi, the former member of parliament Behzad Nabavi, and the reformist political strategist Saeed Hajjarian.
Over the years, other regimes would also forbid the production of Mr. Tsegaye's work (18 of his 33 plays were banned at one time or another), but he eventually saw his work mounted either at home or abroad.
It's the fear of an industrial or - even worse - a political strike which leads autocratic regimes to forbid freedom of association.
The film, also starring Christian Bale, Sean Bean, Taye Diggs, and Emily Watson, is about a world set in the future, where a Fascist regime forbids all emotions from being shown.
The Bavarian regime had forbidden its delegates to participate in the Stuttgart Parliament, and following its forcible break-up on June 18 by Württembergian troops, Fallmerayer fled to Switzerland.
The regime forbids the transfer of technology that would enable a third country to build a ground-to-ground missile capable of carrying 1,100 pound warheads for a distance of 185 miles.