"In no other time in its history, the Islamic regime has relied this much on its military and security forces for its survival," he said.
In the early days of the communal conflict, the regime relied on volunteers from the Persian and Azeri communities to confront Kurdish, Baluchi, and Turkoman rebellions.
The new regime is thus accidental rather than traditional and experienced, and relies not on a trained minority but the chance of an adequate successor.
The regime would rely on the military to maintain order in Eastern Europe and at home, returning Europe to the cold war.
The regime relied on journals and newspapers to gain support for its domestic and foreign policies.
A lightly regulated regime and self-regulation rely on the morals of speculators, and, as we know, speculators do not have morals.
The criminal regime of Lukashenko relies greatly on the income from exports of chemicals, heavy industry and textiles owned by state enterprises.
The regime of Mubarak relied on the Egyptian army, thus when the poorly paid and poorly armed CSF mutinied, the army was sent in to restore order.
In its waning days, the regime relied heavily on the VSN and on limited local police capabilities to curb violence.
The regime of Hafez el-Assad of Syria relies on tension.