Even though the regiment advanced, it failed to achieve its objective for the day.
A regiment advanced, its neighbor was thrown back, gaps appeared, the enemy thrust through or, unaccountably, did not.
At 06:15, 30 minutes before dawn, the three regiments of the brigade advanced towards the gunline.
The regiment advanced in line with the 1st Essex Battalion on their left.
After this both the 1st and 6th regiments advanced, and by 11:30 had come within 800 meters of the line.
As they watched the Moscow television news program, a whole regiment of tanks advanced across a flat landscape.
Seemingly under their own authority, the two regiments then advanced, in a professional formation, upon the Russian forces, pushing the enemy back.
These regiments were not in the first wave assault, but landed later in the morning and advanced through the lead brigades.
Throughout November the regiment advanced further into Palestine as part of the plan to capture Jerusalem.
The regiment advanced until it made contact with the mob.