During this time the regiment saw action in Scotland against the rebel highlanders and also helped to put down riots in Manchester.
Next, the regiment turned east and helped in the closure and clearing of the Falaise Pocket.
The regiment helped seize the Dutch fleet at Texel in the subsequent winter.
In 1776 the regiment helped defend Charleston, South Carolina.
His regiment helped to maintain peace throughout Indian Territory during the 1850s.
The regiment was very active in 1600's and 1700's and helped win several key battles for Sweden on the European continent.
The regiment helped to besiege the fort of Bharatpur from December 1825 to its capture on 18 January 1826.
King's regiment helped rout three Union Army divisions.
In February 1945, after three days of bitter fighting, the regiment helped capture Mount Belvedere and other key mountain peaks.
Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Colleton knew his regiment helped hold an important position.