After the war ended Fortescue stayed on for four months as military secretary to the general commanding the occupation force before returning to regimental duty.
Between 1920 and 1932, he served in regimental and depot duties.
Langhorne did not return to regimental duty until 1913.
"I have no doubt that your colonel will be glad to see you fulfilling your regimental duties again."
The band, having a reputation for high standards, apart from regimental duties would have featured at social events in big houses in the area.
He employed the intervals of regimental duty in further self-education and literary work.
As a punishment, he was removed from his political appointment and sent back to regimental duty.
Bols returned to regimental duty for a few months from 22 December 1936, having completed the staff course.
Lambton then joined the 33rd at Calcutta after 13 years away from regimental duties.
This was the first of many staff posts that Lyons held until the end of his career and he never returned to regimental duty.