Classrooms are laid out as workspaces, not with regimented rows of desks.
They had their coffee on the veranda at the back of the house, and the regimented rows of flowers glowed in the sunlight.
Suits and dresses hung in a regimented row.
A few toys and books were arranged on two high shelves in regimented rows, and a small table was neatly set for a meal.
Congo Square's outdoor tables don't march in regimented rows but rather flow amoeba-like out onto the sidewalk.
The exact motif recurs nine times in regimented rows.
Here, modest one- and two-story homes march in regimented rows toward the Pacific.
In front of them there's a neat garden with regimented rows of shrubby plants.
But this time, instead of regimented rows of conifers, there was a mix of trees.
With endless waves of students streaming onto the field in regimented rows, this is not your ordinary half-time show.