The region covers 15,080 km2 and has a population of 2 million.
The region covers 2,052 km2 and has a population of about 265,000.
The region covered about 2,400 km2 and had a population of approximately 140,000.
The region has a population of 231,628 and covers 80,041.5 km2.
The region covers 30% of the population, that is 1.6 million persons.
That region covers a large part of Iran's need for tea.
In modern terms, the region covered all or most of eastern Belgium.
The region covers the entire province and has not had any changes in seat numbers since 1867.
Public assistance is barely present, even though the region covers almost half of the country.
The region covers a huge geographic area, and is home to a population of approximately 300,000.