The work will be done through a series of surveys backed by structured essays on the national and regional backgrounds (Context Studies).
If you don't have a real family portrait, you can get something that speaks to your ethnic or regional background.
Participants from different regional, economic and academic backgrounds are expected to add depth and breadth to this process.
No one is to be barred from entering a gurdwara regardless of their religious or regional background and are welcomed in.
Most folk beliefs have a regional background, for they originated in the rural countryside of Thailand.
Both their regional background and position at court encouraged them to seek the expansion of central authority through war.
All of these dialects are influenced by their regional and cultural background.
Transcriptions can reveal information about a speaker's social and regional background.
Their diversity of regional backgrounds enabled them to create a unique sound to their music.
Many Sylheti try to marry spouses within the same regional, cultural, social and religious backgrounds.