Some also decided to turn to sub-national regional identifications, especially in multi-ethnic historical regions like Istria, Vojvodina, or Bosnia.
Another part of the id2 Program, PDPs are regional identification and development events centered around the National Premier Leagues.
This left enormous leverage with the smaller parties that draw on caste affiliations, language differences and regional identification.
Another important factor was the break-down of traditional social and regional identifications.
Since the 1940s, the SBC has moved away from some of its regional identification.
Among the Democrats, Mr. Gore seems to have everything going for him: regional identification, the backing of Senator Sanford and other leaders, and a potent advertising campaign.
This is likely because regional identification often varies dramatically within Kentucky.
There are classes, of course, and regional identifications.
Beyond the regional identifications, the country remains divided culturally, economically, and psychologically between the prosperous, industrial North and less developed South, or Mezzogiorno ("Midday").
There is, however, a long-standing tradition of jumper patterns having a regional or local identification.