Devotion to regional ingredients and traditions have always marked the best restaurants in Italy, no matter where they are.
The cooking here has a somewhat more Continental flavor while still emphasizing regional ingredients.
More use will be made of fresh, seasonal, regional and sustainable ingredients, smaller portions and healthier options.
The newsletter also provides information about regional Japanese ingredients, food tips, cookbook reviews and comments from readers.
Use of regional ingredients and ease of preparation were also considered.
And distinctly regional ingredients and dishes remain the centerpiece of the season's reassurance ritual.
Even with the disappearance of farmlands, these chefs have been able to buy more and more regional ingredients each year.
That has changed, but he would like to see even greater use of regional ingredients.
The menu is Southern-inspired, with a touch of New Orleans, using regional ingredients.
The idea, he said, is to serve "the best regional ingredients, very simply prepared and presented," and that's exactly the problem.