The festival will close next Monday with the regional premiere of their latest film, "The Golden Bowl."
Most of the plays produced each year are world, national, West Coast or regional premieres.
Heidi ran for over eighty performances in its regional premiere in Denver.
Examples of some notable world and regional premieres are:
In 2008, it screened more than 25 films including regional and national premieres.
Each of the initial participants contributed $1,000, and those presenting four regional premieres kicked in a few thousand more.
The company is "dedicated to producing world and regional premieres of works that often explore compelling social issues."
The annual production roster generally includes at least one world premiere, and several New Jersey or regional premieres.
He counts over 50 operas in his repertoire, including several world and regional premieres.
It also premiered new theatrical works as well as giving the regional premieres of several others.