It is listed as site 336 on "Bush Forever", a state government policy to protect regionally significant bushland.
The park contains areas of indigenous remnant bush land which has been identified as regionally significant.
It is also a regionally significant producer of natural gas, coal, copper, oil, silver and uranium.
It is the location of the regionally significant Santander Airport.
It has developed into one of a handful of regionally significant commercial and retail districts outside central London.
Under his rule, Sulzbach also became an intellectual centre and the site of a regionally significant printing industry.
Pauatahanui has a group of regionally significant 19th century buildings.
Regionally significant tournaments often also draw over a hundred participants.
Industrial fishing, however, is not just a regionally significant sector of the economy.
Rare trees and birds deemed to be significant either regionally or provincially are also found here.