The Prime Minister reverses his earlier stance and says he regrets hiring Andy Coulson as his spokesman.
We also regretted hiring a car.
You don't want to do such a great job of faking it that when the company discovers the real you, it comes to regret ever hiring you.
These conflicting statements may imply New Line regrets not hiring Hodder.
You would not regret hiring me, I swear it.
Huntsekker disliked being called Harvester, and he was already regretting hiring the brothers.
Although Brown has a penchant for personal drama and a long history of chasing the next great thing, it is rare that anyone regrets hiring him.
"I have never regretted nor do I now regret hiring Rosie O'Donnell," who "has brought a new vitality to this show."
She asks if he's regretting hiring her, but he says no.