Then, with a final regretful smile, Shackley turned and left them.
Angelique reached for her mobile, giving Ray a wry and regretful smile.
He stayed there like that for ten or fifteen seconds, then turned to her, and with a regretful smile, explained, "Two clients are normal.
When he finally turned to her, a regretful smile on his face, she didn't know what to say.
With a regretful smile, she started walking backward toward the shop.
The martialer took the gun from her with a regretful smile.
She stroked his cheek and gave him a regretful smile of apology.
"I'd like that," she said, with a regretful smile.
"I cannot tell you enough to do you any good," he said with a regretful smile.
Then her eyes softened into a regretful smile: "He has surprised you.