Some Christians view denominationalism as a regrettable fact.
What seems initially unique and disturbing can become a well-known if regrettable fact of life shared with many others.
It is a regrettable fact that the existing literature on the subject points to market selection as being an informal decision.
Widely considered a routine, if regrettable, fact of war, it has rarely been prosecuted.
You cannot alter this regrettable fact so put it out of your mind.
The national revolution, a logical consequence of regrettable facts, goes irresistibly on its way to triumph.
It a regrettable fact of American life, and it's a subject that begs for debate and political leadership.
It is a regrettable fact that the Council is quite clearly on the wrong side of the fence on this matter.
The regrettable fact that the negotiations could not produce a solution makes the responsibility of the European Union even greater.
This is a regrettable fact which should not be overlooked.