"I said me," said Sappha With a regrettable lack of grammar.
There is a regrettable lack of coordination and courtesy in the launching of rocket recovery vehicles (space wagons) in the normal operation of this Platform.
Yet now the Mayor displays a regrettable lack of urgency in advancing that idea.
So I said, with a regrettable lack of caution, 'Marconicars.'
Our regrettable lack of firepower was a sad fact of life.
To reward such playacting is to illustrate a regrettable lack of sophistication behind the awards.
Its most regrettable lack, however, was an apparent failure to understand exactly what is at stake.
Because, A, people showed a regrettable lack of sense in choosing their genetic partner.
Polly in her bedroom was packing a suitcase with a regrettable lack of care.
It is no wonder that Queen Beatrix said yesterday in this House that Europe has a regrettable lack of enthusiasm.