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But as she said to comfort me, it was not a time for regretting things.
So I laid in peace and did a bit of vain regretting.
He paid a personal and financial price, he said, without regretting a word.
To achieve the latter I have to see myself as an object, to know how my regretting might appear.
He frowned at the men decorating the trees as if regretting they had not put up more fight.
The only thing Nelson will admit to regretting is associating his name with a cigarette company back in 1936.
Stubborn, combative, at times inconsistent, given to sudden rages and quick regretting.
As the factor well knew those who had started by demanding planes would end by regretting the loss of slaves.
He set a course for Olympus, regretting leaving Alexandra behind already, yet knowing it was best.
She, too, was finally made to understand the true situation, and, regretting the suffering she had caused, promised to do everything possible to make amends.
Franklin also wrote: "The rapid progress true science now makes occasions my regretting sometimes that I was born too soon.
But regretting their absence wasn't going to conjure them out of the ground or out of thin air.
No use thinking, no use regretting; what is said, is said.
He seemed to be implying that Lan would regret this Emares' regretting.
"The only thing I leave the game regretting is the fact I didn't dunk on Shaq," he said.
As the ungrateful ladies return to the Underworld one of them sings a lament regretting she must leave the "pure and serene air."
He wrote, "I give and bequeath to all my slaves their freedom, heartily regretting that I have ever been the owner of one."
The point of all which was that the Boss had spoken that day to Bud, regretting the disappearance of Billy.
The opening section is particularly hard to read, and you could be forgiven for regretting the loss of those easier pleasures offered by Mr. Naipaul's early fiction.
Almost all European Union member states fully supported Spain's objections, with the exception of France and Portugal, whose government issued a statement regretting the incident.
Son, when you told us to wait, there in the Tower, and disappeared and didn't come back, why, I was so scared I caught up on my regretting."
He journeyed by stages, stopping at Bordeaux, La Rochelle and Niort, before regretting his decision to leave Paris after six months and returning there.
Although Rosenblum acquiesced to Ben-Gurion's request and legally changed his name to Vardi, he later admitted to regretting not signing as Rosenblum.
Indeed, some companies that canceled parties right after the Oct. 19 stock market meltdown "are regretting and trying to rebook," said Nicholas Baxter, a Manhattan corporate caterer.
I've let too much time slip away already, my Neema, too much time regretting my mistakes and not letting myself understand that I was making a much worse one.