Furthermore, regular DVDs look amazing after being upscaled, and the system now takes advantage of all your high-end audio equipment.
In fact, this might even be a race that neither horse wins; the public may well decide that regular DVD's are just fine as they are.
It lets you dump your recordings onto regular blank DVDs for storage - and it can play them back in full high definition.
Blu-ray discs can hold 50 gigabytes of data, making a regular DVD seem cramped.
Nintendo is interested only in selling games, and the Revolution will need an extra attachment even to play regular DVD's.
The studio's regular DVD's still come with all the extras.
They do not work with regular DVD's.
About 150 movies are available in the format, compared to more than 2,000 for regular DVD.
In most locations, a regular DVD is being rented for two nights at $2.99.
Opponents say it raises privacy concerns and will wind up costing consumers more than regular DVD rentals.