A regular PC, desktop or laptop, can be turned into an autodialer by using a telephony board or modem.
I agree, but I am hoping for regular PC.
A regular 386-based PC was absent, but the A.M.D. officials provided us with results of earlier identical tests.
But I downloaded 3,500 newsgroup messages just as fast as I would have on a regular PC.
Multimedia personal computers contain extra memory, a compact disk player and special graphics capability compared with regular PC's.
Aesthetically, that's a little frustrating; it makes the phone dependent on a regular PC rather than a truly standalone device.
Later in the week, the Associated Press confirmed that "Origami" was actually to be a regular PC with "limited gaming capabilities".
The offering of lower-priced clones of its regular PC's will be similar to a program started last October in Southeast Asia.
The operating system of this PC is initially installed just like a regular PC.
And regular desktops PC still get the tablet touch interface, but it's supposedly able to be mouse and keyboard driven?