Made it do good in the hope, often unconscious, of being granted more regular access.
After a decade of legal challenges, the public was allowed regular access to the collection in 1961.
However, about 30 per cent of the world's population were known to have little or no regular access to essential drugs.
The new element in the situation seems to be the regular access that young people have to drugs, including illegal ones.
As I tried to explain earlier, a high proportion have no regular access to health care.
We're the only big band that has regular access to a large national audience.
But overall, parents who can't speak English or don't have regular access to a computer remain at a disadvantage.
On the following day, it ran its first "production" program and users were provided with regular access from July 9.
Being uninhabited, there is no regular access to the island.
Two out of three Iraqis have no regular access to clean water.